Platinum Health Corrective Exercise Session 5


Pelvic Tilt

Start on a flat surface. Flat back, knees bent and heels flat on the ground. Squeeze your glutes (butt muscles) and push off with your heels. Repeat 10x.

Chiropractic Walker MI Pelvic Tilt

Single Leg Pelvic Raise

Similar to above, with one knee bent and one leg flat on the ground. Squeeze only one side (example shown is the left side). Raise hips off the ground by squeezing your glute. Perform on both sides. Repeat 10x.

Chiropractic Walker MI Single Leg Pelvic Raise

Side Lying Kicks

Laying on one side. Kick your leg forward 10x, kick your leg backwards 10, and then a full kick 10x (fully forward to fully backward in one motion). Repeat on the opposite side.

Chiropractic Walker MI Side Lying Kicks

Up Downs

Side Lying. Raise your superior leg straight up in the air, drop your leg down to starting position. Repeat 10x, Repeat on the opposite side.

Chiropractic Walker MI Up Downs

Side Lying Circles

Laying on one side. First move your superior leg in a clockwise circle. 10x Then move your superior leg in a counterclockwise circle. Repeat 10x. Switch to the opposite side and repeat with the opposite leg.

Chiropractic Walker MI Side Laying Circles
Chiropractic Walker MI Side Laying Circle

Side Lying Bicycles

Lay on your side. Move your superior leg forward with your knee bent. Next push backwards as if you were pushing a bike pedal. 10x. Next move your superior leg in the opposite direction 10x. Switch sides and repeat with the opposite leg.

Chiropractic Walker MI Side Lying Bicycles
Chiropractic Walker MI Side Lying Bicycle

7:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Platinum Chiropractic

4172 Lake Michigan Dr NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49534

(616) 419-4996